p ISSN: 1857-4149



Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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VOLUME 2(II)2010


Linguistics, Semiotics, Applied Linguistics, Literary Science, Culture Studies, Translation Studies


Types of signs, speech and interaction mechanisms in communication; (Literary) language and social conditioning; Language, context, translation

Languages of Publication:

English, French, German, Romanian




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Volume Presentation/Prezentarea volumului

Luminita Hoarta Carausu, Retorica si pragmatica publicistica. „Figuri de constructie” si strategii persuasive in titlurile de articole din presa romaneasca actuala / Journalistic Rhetorics and Pragmatics “Figures of Construction” and Persuasive Strategies in the Titles from the Romanian Publicism

Ligia Ghilea, Imagine, muzica si sens in limbajul publicitar / Image, Music and Meaning in Advertising Language

Ion Gutu, La symbologie – enjeux epistemologiques et methodologiques / Symbology as the Issue of Epistemology and Method Science

Lilia Raciula, Variabilitatea unor grupuri nominale din lirica stanesciana / The Variability of Some Nominal Groups in the Lyrics of N. Stănescu

Valentina Smatov, Mihail Rumleanschi, Public Speaking Culture

Angela Cosciug, Particularitati lexico-semantice ale unitatilor individualizatoare in textele biblice, in variantele ebraica (aramaica), franceza si romana / Lexical and Semantic Peculiarities of Proper „Units” in Hebrew (Aramaic), French and Romanian versions of the Bible

Ioana-Iulia Olaru, Utilitarism si propaganda – toreutica romana antica / Utilitarianism and Propaganda in Antique Roman Toreutics

Rahim Ombashi, Collective Mentality and Literary Image

Irina Ciornaia, Der Parzival Wolframs von Eschenbach als Vorlaufer des Bildungsromans / "Parzival" by Wolframs von Eschenbach as a Predecessor of the Bildungsroman

Virginia Popovic, Elemente sarbe in subdialectul si literatura din Banat / Units of the Serbian Origin in the Oral Speech and Literature of Banat (region)

Marina Teterina, Analysis of the Cognitive Metaphor Nature is Woman’ in the Modern Anglo-American Culture

Viorica Condrat, Intertextuality in William Somerset Maugham’s Short Story “A Friend in Need”

Daniela Vladu, Traducerea de poezie – un demers infam de seducator / Poetry Translation - an Attractive Activity

Georgiana Elisabeta Panait, Poeme / Poems

Veronica Pacuraru, Recenzie / Review

© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com