p-ISSN: 1857-4149

e-ISSN: 2953-6812


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International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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ISSUE 1 (I) 2009

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Material title in English:

Autobiographic Elements in Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu’s Lyric Works

Material abstract:

The starting point in Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu’s cultural biography obviously leads us to poetry, because this side of his work illustrates and characterizes the first stage
in his literary development as a writer; it sets his subsequent directions and has a huge importance in defining his vision and some of the procedures. On the other hand, a thematic and stylistic analysis of his poems is all the more necessary, as the writings of this period are produced in the absence of political determination that begins to act forcefully on the entire European literature after 1940.

Material keywords:

biography, poetry, writing, political determination, literature

Material references:

(n.d.) (1943). 13 poeti, 13 poezii de dragoste. V. Horia, Şt. Baciu, O. Caledoniu (Eds.). Editura Librariei Pavel Suru.

Bailesteanu, F. (2005). Nihil sine Deo sau cruciada literara a ecumenistului Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu. Editura Autograf MJM.

Eliade, M. (1997). Memorii (1907–1960). Editura „Humanitas”.

Esneval, A. (2004). Gheorghiu. Editions Pardes.

Gheorghiu, C. V. (1940a). Armand Calinescu. Editura Socec.

Gheorghiu, C. V. (1940b). Caligrafie pe zapada. Fundatia pentru Literatura si Arta Regele Carol II”.

Gheorghiu, C. V. (1942). Ceasul de rugaciune (placheta de versuri cu un portret al autorului de R. Rybiczka). Editura Nationala Gh. Mecu.

Gheorghiu, C. V. (1999). Memorii. Martorul Orei 25. (S. Mihaescu-Carsteanu, Trad.). Editura Gramar.

Gheorghiu, C. V. (1937). Viata de toate zilele a poetului. Editura Cartea Romaneasca.

Gutia, I., Camilucci, M. (1957, 14 iunie). Poesia romena della diaspora. In: Romania, 4-5.

Simion, E. (2005, 14 mai). Memoriile lui Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu. Ziua.

Zaciu, M., Papahagi, M., Sasu, A. (coord.). (1998). Dictionarul Scriitorilor Romani (vol. III). Editura Fundatiei Culturale Romane.

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Material type:

Research paper

Material field:

Literary Science

Material topic:

(Literary) Language and Social Conditioning

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