p-ISSN: 1857-4149



Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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ISSUE 1 (I) 2009

Material author:


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Material title in English:

A Contrastive Errors Analysis in German and Romanian

Material abstract:

The article discusses some phonetic aspects of the German language as a foreign language. The study is carried out from a contrastive perspective, because learning a foreign language is always closely connected with one’s own native language. Thus, the study highlights a number of phonetic differences in German and Romanian and proposes some detailed ways to overcome them.

Material keywords:

phonetics, native language, foreign language, pronunciation, study

Material references:

Ahmad, B. (1996). Kontrastbedingte Lernschwierigkeiten und Fehler. Einfuhrung in die Sprachkontaktforschung.

Babara, N. (1996). Roentgenocinematografia si articularea sunetelor vorbirii. In: Materialele Conferintei Stiintifice Jubiliare din 2-3 octombrie 1996. CEP U.S.M.

Hirschfeld, U. (1996). Phonothek. Langenscheidt.

Kelz, H. P. (1999). Phonetische Übung und sprachliche Kreativität. Übungsformen im Aussprachetraining. In: DaF, Heft 3, 36 Jahrgang, 131-135.

Moise, M. I. (2000). Systembedingte Aussprachefehler rumanischer Deutschlernenden. Methodisch-didaktische Schwerpunkte im DaF-Unterricht. Editura Academiei Romane.

Puscariu, S., Stock, E. (1994). Limba romana (vol. II „Rostirea”). Editura Academiei Romane.

Material pages:


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in PDF

Material fields:

Comparative Linguistics, Contrastive Linguistics

Material topic:

Speech Acts

Material type:

Research sheet

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© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com