p-ISSN: 1857-4149

e-ISSN: 2953-6812


Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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ISSUE 1 (III) 2011

Issue Materials Fields:

Linguistics, Semiotics, Applied Linguistics, Literary Science, Translation Studies

Issue Materials Topics:

Overview of signs, speech and communication, Types of signs, speech and interaction mechanisms in communication; (Literary) language and social conditioning; Language, context, translation

Issue Materials Languages of Publication:

English, French, German, Russian, and Romanian

Issue DOI:


Issue Cover:

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Issue Contents:

Issue Presentation

Svetlana Osokina, The Thesaurus Conception as a New View on the Epistemological Function of the Language

Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Mohammed Ahmad Alward, Arabic Loan Words in Urdu: a Linguistic Analysis

Gergana Atanassova Petkova, Eponyms in Bulgarian Clinical Terminology

Ioana-Iulia Olaru, Statuara clasica romana si dorinta de eternitate

Лилия Беженару, Обращения во французском языке

Luminita Hoarta Carausu, Un tip de interactiune mediata controlata. Dezbaterea televizata romaneasca actuala

Gina Maciuca, Glimpses of English Tempoaspectual Blends

Stella Gorbani, The Role of Parentheses in Text Cohesion

Gina Maciuca, Pros and Cons of the English Voice

Max Graff, “Ein unbewaltigter, unbewaltigbarer Rest”. Zu Gerhard Selbs Umgang mit seiner Vergangenheit in Bernhard Schlinks Selb-Trilogie

Ioana Boghian, A Semiotic Approach to the Act of Naming Houses in Victorian Novels

Angela Cosciug, Etude comparee des systemes vocaliques du francais, espagnol, roumain et russe / A Comparative Study of French, Spanish, Romanian and Russian Vowel Systems

Natalia Banaru, Aspectul lingvistico-didactic al hiatului in comparatie cu diftongii in limba engleza

Екатерина Никулча, Комплексность изображения темных сил в произведениях Э. Т. А. Гофмана, Н. В. Гоголя, М. А. Булгакова

Grigore Cantemir, Norme “nu prea respectate” de fete respectabile

Erdal Derinoz, Die Verwendung der Lichtmetaphorik in E. T. A. Hoffmans “Das Fraulein von Scuderi”

Georgiana Elisabeta Panait, Intertextualitatea si simbolistica apei

Инна Гажева, Принципы орнаментализма в «Северной симфонии» Андрея Белого

Natalia Khalina, Linguistics Performance of the Liberal Truth in Russia: from the Imperial Liberalism of the 19th Century to the Presidential Liberalism of the 20th Century

Georgiana Elisabeta Panait, Viziunea prozaica si arta poetica in operele lui Ion Vinea

Medea Kintsourachvili, Maia Benidze, Semiotique de l'ile dans le roman de M. Tournier “Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique”

Irina Strechii, Traduceri in engleza din Grigore Vieru

Luiza Sosu, Traduceri in engleza din Mihai Eminescu si Grigore Vieru

Georgiana Elisabeta Panait, Poezii

Luiza Sosu, Opriti betonul !

Luiza Sosu, Visul unei nopti spre Boboteaza (basm)

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