p-ISSN: 1857-4149

e-ISSN: 2953-6812


Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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ISSUE 1 (IV) 2012


Linguistics, Semiotics, Comparative Linguistics, Literary Science


Overview of signs, speech and communication, Types of signs, speech and interaction mechanisms in communication; (Literary) language and social conditioning

Languages of Publication:

English, French, German, Romanian, Russian




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Anatol Lenta, Profesorul Mircea Ionita - adevarat pilon al intelectualitatii noastre / Professor Mircea Ionita – a True Pillar of our Intellectuals

Ana Bondarenco, De la proposition, la phrase et l’enonce dans la vision des linguistes M. Ionita et M. Potapova aux types de predication et a l’ambiguite dans la phrase simple tautologique et dans la phrase complexe comparative / From the Proposition, the Sentence and the Utterance in M. Ioniţă’s and M. Potapova’s Vision to Types of Predication and Ambiguity of a Simple Tautological Sentence and a Complex Comparative Sentence

Fee-Alexandra Haase, Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of the Concept ‘Speech’. Language Contacts between Semitic / Arabic and Indo-Germanic Languages

Ludmila Zbant, Analiza categoriei intensitatii prin prisma categoriilor functional-semantice de baza ale discursului / Analysis of the Intensional Category via Basic Functional and Semantic Categories of Discourse

Gina Maciuca, Componenta SVF: Abordare contrastiva in limbile romana, germana, engleza, italiana si spaniola / SVF Composition: a Contrastive Approach in Romanian, German, English, Italian and Spanish

Марина Туницька, Роль фразеологічних одиниць у творенні символів і смислу новели Василя Стефаника «Камінний хрест» / Marina Tunicka, The Role of Idioms in Creating Symbols and Meaning in Vasile Stefanic’s Short Story „The Stone Cross”

Valentina Radkina, Une approche du style de communication sur internet / An Approach to the Communication Style on the Internet

Irina Zyubina, Individual and Stereotyped Speech Behaviour of Prosecutors from the Point of View of Pragmalinguistics

Marina Teterina, Elena Crestianicov, Personification or Sexification of Countries in English?

Gergana Atanasova Petkova, Studies of Names of Saints (Latin by Origin), Protecting People from Natural Disasters and during Difficult Situations

Cristina Enicov, Specificul functional al frazei averbale in textul publicitar / Functional Peculiarities of Nonverbal Complex Sentences in Advertisements

Галина Острикова, Лексико-семантическая несимметричная энантиосемия с противоположностью значений по периферийным семам / Galina Ostrikova, Lexical and Semantic Asymmetric Enantiosemiya with Opposite Values in Peripheral Semes

Irina Bulgakova, Elvira Guranda, Aspektuelle Bedeutungen von deverbalen Nomen im Deutschen / The Aspectual Semantics of Deverbal Nouns in German

Reimar Belschner, Der gescheiterte Musicus, der gottgefallige Poet – warum die Musik im Simplicissimus verstummt / Unsuccessful “Musicus ", the God-given Poet – Why is Music in" Simplicissimus "Silent?

Maia Benidze, L’evolution de la representation visuelle du mythe biblique de «Cain et Abel» aux XI-XIX siecles / The Evolution of the Visual Representation of the Biblical Myth of Cain and Abel in the XI-XIX Centuries

Simon Klohr, Erlebnis des Marschalls von Bassompierre“ Uberlegungen zu Hugo von Hofmannsthals Novelle und der „Erzahltheorie“ Hermann Bahrs / „Adventure of Bassompierre“. Considerations on Hugo von Hofmannsthals’ Short Story and the „Narrative Theory of Hermann Bahrs”

Margareta Abramciuc, Valente ale ironiei in proza literara a lui Mihail Kogalniceanu / Meanings of Irony in Mihail Kogalniceanu’s Literary Prose

Zinaida Tarata, Reflexe ale influentei franceze in lexicul romanesc / Considerations on the French Influence on the RomanianVocabulary

Ioana-Iulia Olaru, Urban Projects in Scythia Minor

Angela Cosciug, Fiction and Narrative Instance and Grammar in the Short Story “Stolen Day” by Sherwood Anderson

Жанна Черская, Вербализация концептов "эгоизм" и "альтруизм" в публицистических текстах первой половины ХХ ст / Jana Cerskaa, The Verbalization of "Selfishness" and "Altruism" Concepts in Nonfiction Publicistic Texts in the First Half of the XXth Century

Carolina Dodu-Savca, Fenomenologia semantica a numelui „eseu” ca metoda a discursului eseistic / Semantic Phenomenology of the Name "Essay" Regarded as a Discourse Eessay Method

Anna Dzyubenko, Transformation of Chronotopos as the Compositional Base of Modern English and American Female Prose

Diana Vrabie, Lectia „maestrilor” in secolul al XX-lea (Marcel Proust) / The "Master" Lesson in the XXth Century (Marcel Proust)

Mihaela Mocanu, The Specific of the Romanian Political Language in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Case Study: Minai Eminescu’s Political Articles

Elena Ungureanu, Argument editorial pentru hypertext ca obiect de cercetare lingvistica / An Editorial Argument for the Hypertext as a Subject of Linguistic Study

© Alecu Russo State University of Balti, 38 Pushkin Street, 3100, Balti, Republic of Moldova. Webmaster: acosciug@yahoo.com