p-ISSN: 1857-4149

e-ISSN: 2953-6812


Speech and Context

International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics and Literary Science


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ISSUE 1 (I) 2009

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Material title in English:

The Baroque and Cantemir's Works

Material abstract:

Baroque brought to light an anomorphic sensibility situated under the sign of a supersaturated manner of expression. Baroque creator abhors the calm, measure, simplicity and clarity of expression. Trickery, prudence, ‘crypticness – this is the life style proposed by baroque. The essence of the baroque character has a dichtomic nature (sometimes even polytomic), he fluctuates continuously between two egos. An eloquent example is ‘Cantemir’s unicorn’ whose antagonistic dualism comes from the existence of two beginnings, a superficial one and an esoterical one – the assailed and the assailant, the aggressed and the aggressor – an authentic trompe l’oeil baroque. The themes undertook by the baroque creator are as problematical as his characters: fortuna labilis, fugit irreparabile tempus, ubi sunt etc. The baroque creator appeals to methods of obscuring the text, such as the ‘forced allegory.’ A baroque work can be wrapped in massive, descriptive, and usually complex allegorical structures, which contribute to the ‘visualization’ of the work’s imaginary. The allegorical structures of apele Nilulu’ or Epithim’s fortress from Istoria ieroglifica serves as an example. Although this style did not catch up in the Romanian community, its implosion had amazing results especially in the literary field, Dimitrie Cantemir’s work being an eloquent example.

Material keywords:

baroque, expression, sign, character, ego, dualism, theme

Material references

Adamek, D. (2004). Ochiul de linx. Barocul si revenirile sale (editia a II-a). Editura Limex.

Cantemir, D. (1990). Divanul sau Gilceava inteleptului cu lumea, sau Giudetul sufletului cu trupul. Editura Minerva.

Cantemir, D. (1983). Istoria ieroglifica (vol. I). Editura Minerva.

Gracian, B. (1975). Oracolul manual si arta prudentei. Criconul (vol. I). (Traducere, prefata, tabel cronologic si note de Sorin Marculescu). Editura Minerva.

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Rsearch sheet

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Literary Science

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(Literary) Language and Social Conditioning

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